Publications for Shih-Fu Chang


Raj Kumar Rajendran, Mihaela van der Scharr, Shih-Fu Chang

FGS+: Optimizing the Joint SNR-Temporal Video Quality in MPEG-4 Fine Grained Scalble Coding EEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2002


Dong-Qing Zhang, Raj Kumar Rajendran, Shih-Fu Chang

Real-Time Personalized Sports Video Filtering and Summarization ACM Multimedia , September 2001


Raj Kumar Rajendran, Shih-Fu Chang

Image Retrieval with Sketches and Coherent Images International Conference on Multimedia Exposition (ICME) International Conference on Multimedia Exposition (ICME), May 2000
