Yibo Zhu, Monia Ghobadi, Vishal Misra, Jitendra Padhye
ECN or Delay: Lessons Learnt from Analysis of DCQCN and TIMELY Proceedings of 2016 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2016), December 2016
Downloads: Paper
Joshua Reich, Aman Kansal, Michel Gorackzo, Jitendra Padhye
Sleepless in Seattle No Longer USENIX ATC, June 2010
Downloads: Presentation, Paper
Victor Bahl, Ranveer Chandra, Patrick P.C. Lee, Vishal Misra, Jitendra Padhye, Dan Rubenstein, Yan Yu
Opportunistic Use of Client Repeaters to Improve Performance of WLANs IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking , August 2009
Opportunistic Use of Client Repeaters to Improve Performance of WLANs Proceedings of 2008 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2008), December 2008
Bong-Jun Ko, Vishal Misra, Jitendra Padhye, Dan Rubenstein
Distributed Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio 802.11 Mesh Networks IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007, March 2007
Distributed Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio 802.11 Mesh Networks , November 2005