Publications for Vishal Misra

Title Author(s) Publication Date
Unresponsive Flows and AQM performance

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

C.V. Hollot

Yong Liu

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

SOS: Secure Overlay Services

Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm (conference)

Angelos Keromytis

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

802.11b Throughput with Link Interference


Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

802.11 Link Interference: A Simple Model and A Performance Enhancement

International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference (NETWORKING) (conference)

Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

A Self-Tuning Structure for Adaptation in TCP/AQM Networks

ACM Sigmetrics (short paper) (conference)

Honggang Zhang

C.V. Hollot

Don Towsley

Vishal Misra

Distributed Algorithms for Secure Multipath Routing

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

A New Routing Metric for High Throughput in Dense Ad Hoc Networks


Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Optimal state-free, size-aware dispatching for heterogeneous M/G/-type systems

Performance Evaluation (Proceedings of Performance 2005) (conference)

Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Throughput Differentiation Using Coloring at the Network Edge and Preferential Marking at the Core


Yossi Chait

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Honggang Zhang

Y. Cui

On TCP and self-similar traffic


Daniel R. Figueiredo

Benyuan Liu

Anja Feldmann

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Walter Willinger

The Effect of DNS Delays on Worm Propagation in an IPv6 Internet

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Angelos Keromytis

On the relationship between coefficient of variation and the performance of M/G/1-FB queues

MAMA (conference)

Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Mixed Scheduling Disciplines for Network Flows

MAMA (conference)

Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Cooperative and Non-cooperative Models for slotted-Aloha type MAC protocols

ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

A Hierarchical Model for Teletraffic

Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE CDC (conference)

Vishal Misra

Wei-Bo Gong

Simulation and Analysis of Self-similar processes


Vishal Misra

A Control Theoretic Analysis of RED

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Wei-Bo Gong

On Designing Improved Controllers for AQM Routers Supporting TCP Flows

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Wei-Bo Gong

Stochastic Differential Equation Modeling and Analysis of TCP Windowsize Behavior

Proceedings of IFIP WG 7.3 Performance (conference)

Vishal Misra

Wei-Bo Gong

Don Towsley

TCP Networks Stabilized by Buffer-Based AQMs

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

Huaizhong Han

C.V. Hollot

Yossi Chait

Vishal Misra

Fluid Models and Solutions for Large-Scale IP Networks

Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics (conference)

Yong Liu

Francesco LoPresti

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Fluid-based Analysis of a Network of AQM Routers Supporting TCP Flows with an Application to RED

Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm (conference)

Vishal Misra

Wei-Bo Gong

Don Towsley

On the Autocorrelation Structure of TCP Traffic


Daniel R. Figueiredo

Benyuan Liu

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

On the tails of Web filesize distributions

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Yong Liu

Wei-Bo Gong

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Analysis and design of controllers for AQM routers supporting TCP flows


C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Wei-Bo Gong

Providing Throughput Differentiation for TCP Flows Using Adaptive TwoColor Marking and Multi-Level AQM

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

Yossi Chait

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Honggang Zhang

John Chi Shing Lui

Scalable fluid models and simulations for large-scale IP networks


Yong Liu

Francesco LoPresti

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Yu Gu

WebSOS: An Overlay-based System For Protecting Web Servers From Denial of Service Attacks


Angelos Stavrou

Debra L. Cook

William G. Morein

Angelos Keromytis

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

MOVE: An End-to-End Solution To Network Denial of Service

Proceedings of the Internet Society (ISOC) Symposium on Network and Distributed Systems Security (SNDSS) (conference)

Angelos Stavrou

Angelos Keromytis

Jason Nieh

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

A Pay-per-Use DoS Protection Mechanism For The Web

In Proceedings of the 2nd Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) Conference (conference)

Angelos Stavrou

John Ioannidis

Angelos Keromytis

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Self-Similarity and Long Range Dependence on the Internet: A Second Look at the Evidence, Origins and Implications


Wei-Bo Gong

Yong Liu

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

SOS: An Architecture for Mitigating DDoS Attacks


Angelos Keromytis

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

On the Robustness of Soft State Protocols

12th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) (conference)

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Network Resilience: Exploring Cascading Failures within BGP

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Ed G. Coffman Jr.

Z. Ge

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Dynamic Analysis of Congested TCP Networks

Proceedings of American Control Conference (conference)

Yossi Chait

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Huaizhong Han

Yoram Halevi

Achieving High Throughput in Low Multiplexed, High Bandwidth, High Delay Environments

First International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Yaksha: A Self-Tuning Controller for Managing the Performance of 3-Tiered Web Sites

International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS) (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Erich Nahum

Controlling the Performance of 3-Tiered Web sites: Modeling, Design and Implementation

ACM Sigmetrics (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Erich Nahum

Data Persistence in Sensor Networks: Towards Optimal Encoding for Data Recovery in Partial Network Failures

Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Encoding for Persistent Sensor Networks

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Growth Codes: Maximizing Sensor Network Data Persistence


Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Fixed and Adaptive Model-Based Controllers for Active Queue Management

Proceedings of American Control Conference (conference)

Yossi Chait

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

Salomon Oldak

Don Towsley

Wei-Bo Gong

An Adaptive Control Strategy For AQM Routers Supporting TCP Flows

Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (conference)

Yossi Chait

Salomon Oldak

C.V. Hollot

Vishal Misra

A Practical Application of Graphics Recognition: Helping with the Extraction of Information from Telephone Company Drawings

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (article)

J. Arias

A.K. Chhabra

Vishal Misra

Detection of horizontal lines in noisy run length encoded images: The FAST method

Graphics Recognition -- Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (article)

A.K. Chhabra

Vishal Misra

J. Arias

Finding straight lines in drawings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'97), Ulm, Germany (conference)

J. Arias

A.K. Chhabra

Vishal Misra

A Memory Efficient Method for Fast Transposing Run-Length Encoded Images

Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'99) (conference)

Vishal Misra

A.K. Chhabra

J. Arias

Efficient interpretation of tabular documents

Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (conference)

J. Arias

A.K. Chhabra

Vishal Misra

Interpreting and representing tabular documents

Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (conference)

J. Arias

A.K. Chhabra

Vishal Misra

Experiments with Statistical Connectionist Methods and Hidden Markov Models for Recognition of Text in Telephone Company Drawings

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications (IWANNT'95) (conference)

A.K. Chhabra

Vishal Misra

Detection of horizontal lines in telephone company drawings

Proceedings of the IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC'95) (conference)

A.K. Chhabra

S. Surya

Vishal Misra

A New Approach to the Design of Cascade Form Powers of Two FIR Filters using Karmarkar's Algorithm

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International DSP Workshop held in the Starved Rock Resort, Illinois (conference)

Vishal Misra

P.G. Poonacha

A self-tuning structure for adaptation in TCP/AQM networks

Proceedings of IEEE Globecom (conference)

Honggang Zhang

C.V. Hollot

Don Towsley

Vishal Misra

Impact of Load Sharing on Provisioning Services

Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (IEEE Infocom) (conference)

Daniel Villela

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Sambit Sahu

Modeling and Analysis of Generalized Slotted-Aloha MAC Protocols in Cooperative, Competetive and Adversarial Environments

The 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 06) (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Using Graphic Turing Tests to Counter Automated DDoS Attacks Against Web Servers

Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) (conference)

William G. Morein

Angelos Stavrou

Debra L. Cook

Angelos Keromytis

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Bandwidth-Sharing Schemes for Multiple Multi-Party Sessions

Proceedings of the 18th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 18) (conference)

Zhen Liu

Naceur Malouch

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Sambit Sahu

A General Model and Analysis of Physical Layer Capture in 802.11 Networks

Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (IEEE Infocom) (conference)

Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Brief Announcement: Strong Detection of Misconfigurations

Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) (conference)

Raj Kumar Rajendran

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Control Plane Resilience: The Method of Strong Detection


Raj Kumar Rajendran

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Using Overlays to Improve Network Security

SPIE ITCom Conference on Scalability and Traffic Control in IP Networks II (conference)

Angelos Keromytis

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Dynamic offloading in a multi-provider environment: a behavioral framework and a polynomial-time dual algorithm for modeling and influencing peering

PRIXNET 2004 - Internet Pricing Workshop (conference)

Laura Wynter

Don Towsley

Zhen Liu

Vishal Misra

A Note on the Stochastic Bias of Some Increase-Decrease Congestion Controls: HighSpeed TCP Case Study

PFLDNet (conference)

M. Vojnovic

Jean-Yves Le Boudec

Don Towsley

Vishal Misra

Generalized Slotted-Aloha in Cooperative, Competetive and Adversarial Environments


Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Growth Codes: Maximizing Sensor Network Data Persistence

Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

PBS: A Unified Priority-Based CPU Scheduler


Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Toward Optimal Network Fault Correction via End-to-End Inference


Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

A Budget-balanced and Price-adaptive Credit Protocol for MANETs


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Exploiting Opportunistic Packet Delivery for Rate Control in 802.11 Wireless Networks

IEEE ICCS: Tenth IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (conference)

Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Throughput and Fairness in Random Access Networks


Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Linear Approximation of Optimal Attempt Rate in Random Access Networks


Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Control Plane Resilience: The Method of Strong Detection


Raj Kumar Rajendran

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Understanding the Behavior of TCP for Real-time CBR workloads

Proceedings of 2nd CoNEXT Conference (short paper) (conference)

Eli Brosh

Salman A. Baset

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Henning Schulzrinne

Distributed Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio 802.11 Mesh Networks


Bong-Jun Ko

Vishal Misra

Jitendra Padhye

Dan Rubenstein

Toward Optimal Network Fault Correction via End-to-End Inference

Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (conference)

Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Distributed Algorithms for Secure Multipath Routing in Attack-Resistant Networks


Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Throughput and Fairness in CSMA/CA Access Networks


Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Theoretical Bounds on Control-Plane Self-Monitoring in Routing Protocols

Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics (conference)

Raj Kumar Rajendran

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

PBS: A Unified Priority-Based Scheduler

Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics (conference)

Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Distributed Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio 802.11 Mesh Networks

IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007 (conference)

Bong-Jun Ko

Vishal Misra

Jitendra Padhye

Dan Rubenstein

Beyond Processor Sharing

"New Perspectives in Scheduling" (article)

Samuli Aalto

Urtzi Ayesta

Sam Borst

Vishal Misra

Rudesindo Nunez-Queija

Fairness and Physical Layer Capture in Random Access Networks

Proceedings of IEEE SECON: Fourth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (conference)

Hoon Chang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Shapley value mechanism for ISP settlement


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

CountTorrent: Ubiquitous Access to Query Aggregates in Dynamic and Mobile Sensor Networks

ACM SenSys (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Internet Economics: The use of Shapley value for ISP settlement

Proceedings of 2007 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2007) (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

MADNeT Testbed

Joint Mobicom / Mobihoc Student Demo Competition (conference)

Joshua Reich

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Time Correlated Update Problem

MAMA (conference)

Joshua Reich

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Roomba MADNeT: a Mobile Ad-hoc Delay Tolerant Network Testbed

MC2R: Mobile Computing and Communications Review (conference)

Joshua Reich

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Time Correlated Update Problem

Performance Evaluation Review (conference)

Joshua Reich

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

An Analysis of Generalized Slotted-Aloha Protocols


Richard T.B. Ma

Dan Rubenstein

Vishal Misra

Improving BitTorrent: A Simple Approach

Proceedings of IPTPS (conference)

Alix L. H. Chow

Leana Golubchik

Vishal Misra

Spreadable Connected Autonomic Networks (SCAN)


Joshua Reich

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Gil Zussman

Interconnecting Eyeballs to Content: A Shapley Value Perspective on ISP Peering and Settlement


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Delay-Friendliness of TCP


Eli Brosh

Salman A. Baset

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Henning Schulzrinne

The Delay-Friendliness of TCP


Eli Brosh

Salman A. Baset

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Henning Schulzrinne

An Analysis of Generalized Slotted-Aloha Protocols


Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Interconnecting Eyeballs to Content: A Shapley Value Perspective on ISP Peering and Settlement

ACM NetEcon (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Stored Media Streaming in BitTorrent-like P2P Networks


Kyung-Wook Hwang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Shapley Profit for Content, Transit and Eyeball ISPs


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Opportunistic Use of Client Repeaters to Improve Performance of WLANs

Proceedings of 2008 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2008) (conference)

Victor Bahl

Ranveer Chandra

Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Jitendra Padhye

Dan Rubenstein

Yan Yu

On Cooperative Settlement Between Content, Transit and Eyeball Internet Service Providers

Proceedings of 2008 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2008) (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Shapley Value: Its Use and Implications on Internet Economics

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

BitTorrent: An Extensible Heterogeneous Model

Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (IEEE Infocom) (conference)

Alix L. H. Chow

Leana Golubchik

Vishal Misra

Toward Optimal Network Fault Correction in Externally Managed Overlay Networks


Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

On Resource Management for Cloud Users: A Generalized Kelly Mechanism Approach


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Internet Economics: The use of Shapley value for ISP settlement


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Opportunistic Use of Client Repeaters to Improve Performance of WLANs


Victor Bahl

Ranveer Chandra

Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Jitendra Padhye

Dan Rubenstein

Yan Yu

On the Robustness of Wireless Opportunistic Routing Toward Inaccurate Link-Level Measurements

COMSNETS (conference)

Patrick P.C. Lee

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

The Delay-Friendliness of TCP for Real-time Traffic

The Delay-Friendliness of TCP for Real-time Traffic (article)

Eli Brosh

Salman A. Baset

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Henning Schulzrinne

Incentivizing Peer-Assisted Services: A Fluid Shapley Value Approach

Proceedings of ACM/Sigmetrics (conference)

Vishal Misra

Stratis Ioannidis

Augustin Chaintreau

Laurent Massoulie

A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks with Constant Overhead and Arbitrary Binary Interference (short paper)

Proceedings of ACM/Sigmetrics (conference)

Jean-Claude Bermond

Dorian Mazauric

Vishal Misra

Philippe Nain

Sharing the Revenue of Online Ads over Social Networks

Second Workshop on Information in Networks (conference)

Zeinab Abbassi

Vishal Misra

Incentivized Advertising over Social Networks

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Zeinab Abbassi

Vishal Misra

VMTorrent: Virtual Appliances On-Demand (Extended Abstract)

ACM SIGCOMM (conference)

Joshua Reich

Oren Laadan

Eli Brosh

Alex Sherman

Vishal Misra

Jason Nieh

Dan Rubenstein

Federation of virtualized infrastructures: sharing the value of diversity

Proceedings of 2010 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2010) (conference)

Panayotis Antoniadis

Serge Fdida

Timur Friedman

Vishal Misra

On Cooperative Settlement Between Content, Transit and Eyeball Internet Service Providers


Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Connectivity Maintenance in Mobile Wireless Networks via Constrained Mobility

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

Joshua Reich

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Gil Zussman

How Green is IP-Telephony?

Proceedings of SIGCOMM Green Networking Workshop (conference)

Salman A. Baset

Joshua Reich

Jan Janak

Pavel Kasparek

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Henning Schulzrinne

The Public Option: A non-regulatory alternative to Network Neutrality

Proceedings of 2011 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2011) (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

Multi-level Revenue Sharing for Viral Marketing

Proceedings of ACM NetEcon 2011 (conference)

Zeinab Abbassi

Vishal Misra

Leveraging Video Viewing Patterns for Optimal Content Placement

IFIP Networking 2012 (conference)

Kyung-Wook Hwang

David Applegate

Aaron Archer

Vijay Gopalakrishnan

Seungjoon Lee

Vishal Misra

K. K. Ramakrishnan

Deborah Swayne

Connectivity Maintenance in Mobile Wireless Networks via Constrained Mobility


Joshua Reich

Dan Rubenstein

Vishal Misra

Gil Zussman

Price Differentiation in the Kelly Mechanism

W-PIN 2012: The first Workshop on Pricing and Incentives in Networks (extended abstract) (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Dah-Ming Chiu

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

VMTorrent: Scalable P2P Virtual Machine Streaming

Proceedings of 2012 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2012) (conference)

Joshua Reich

Oren Laadan

Eli Brosh

Alex Sherman

Vishal Misra

Jason Nieh

Dan Rubenstein

Congestion Equilibrium for Differentiated Service Classes

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

On the Evolution of the Internet Economic Ecosystem

Proceedings of the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013) (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Congestion and Its Role in Network Equilibrium


Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

The Public Option: a Non-regulatory Alternative to Network Neutrality


Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

A Preference Model for Deciding the Market Share of Network Service Providers

Workshop on Telecom Economics, Engineering and Policy (conference)

Richard T.B. Ma

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Abandonment and its Impact on P2P VoD Streaming

IEEE P2P 2013 (conference)

Kyung-Wook Hwang

Vijay Gopalakrishnan

Rittwik Jana

Seungjoon Lee

Vishal Misra

K. K. Ramakrishnan

Joint-Family: Enabling Adaptive Bitrate Streaming in Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand

IEEE ICNP 2013 (conference)

Kyung-Wook Hwang

Vijay Gopalakrishnan

Rittwik Jana

Seungjoon Lee

Vishal Misra

K. K. Ramakrishnan

Dan Rubenstein

Evolution of the Internet Economic Ecosystem


Richard T.B. Ma

John Chi Shing Lui

Vishal Misra

Optimizing Display Advertising in Online Social Networks

24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015) (conference)

Zeinab Abbassi

Aditya Bhaskara

Vishal Misra

Routing Money, Not Packets. Revisiting Network Neutrality


Vishal Misra

On the Optimality of Greedy Garbage Collection for SSDs

MAMA 2015 Workshop (conference)

Yudong Yang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Joint-Family: Adaptive BitRate Video-on-Demand Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks with Realistic Abandonment Patterns


Kyung-Wook Hwang

Vijay Gopalakrishnan

Rittwik Jana

Seungjoon Lee

Vishal Misra

K. K. Ramakrishnan

Dan Rubenstein

ECN or Delay: Lessons Learnt from Analysis of DCQCN and TIMELY

Proceedings of 2016 ACM Conference on Emerging network experiment and technology (CoNEXT 2016) (conference)

Yibo Zhu

Monia Ghobadi

Vishal Misra

Jitendra Padhye

Virtual Wires: Rethinking WiFi networks

IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN) (conference)

Yudong Yang

Yuming Jiang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

A Modeling Approach to Classifying Malicious Cloud Users via Shuffling

MAMA 2018 Workshop (conference)

Yudong Yang

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

mRSC: Multi-dimensional Robust Synthetic Control

Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (Sigmetrics 2019) (conference)

Muhammad Amjad

Vishal Misra

Devavrat Shah

Dennis Shen

Optimal Pricing for Serverless Computing

IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2019) (conference)

Kunal Mahajan

Daniel R. Figueiredo

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

A Principled Look at the Utility of Feedback in Congestion Control

Proceedings of Workshop on Buffer Sizing (conference)

Mohit P. Tahiliani

Vishal Misra

K. K. Ramakrishnan

Exploiting content similarity to address cold start in container deployments

The 15th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’19 Companion) (conference)

Kunal Mahajan

Saket Mahajan

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Zero-Rating and Network Neutrality: Big Winners and Small Losers

Proceedings of IFIP WG 7.3 Performance (conference)

Niloofar Bayat

Richard T.B. Ma

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Synthetic Control, Synthetic Interventions and COVID-19 spread: Exploring the impact of lockdown measures and herd immunity


Niloofar Bayat

Cody Morrin

Yuheng Wang

Vishal Misra
