Publications for Abhinav Kamra

Title Author(s) Publication Date
The Effect of DNS Delays on Worm Propagation in an IPv6 Internet

Proceedings of IEEE Infocom (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Hanhua Feng

Vishal Misra

Angelos Keromytis

Fair Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation: A Rate Control Based Active Queue Management Discipline


Abhinav Kamra

Huzur Saran

Sandeep Sen

Rajeev Shorey

A Game-Theoretic Approach Towards Congestion Control in Communication Networks


Rahul Garg

Abhinav Kamra

Varun Khurana

Fair Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation: A Rate Control Based Active Queue Management Discipline

Networking 2002, Second IFIP-TP6 Networking Conference (inproceedings)

Abhinav Kamra

Huzur Saran

Sandeep Sen

Rajeev Shorey

Simulating Channel Allocation for Multi-Class Traffic in Future Mobile Cellular Networks

35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (inproceedings)

Abhinav Kamra

Gunter Haring

Helmut Hlavacs

Manish Bansal

Achieving High Throughput in Low Multiplexed, High Bandwidth, High Delay Environments

First International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Don Towsley

Yaksha: A Self-Tuning Controller for Managing the Performance of 3-Tiered Web Sites

International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS) (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Erich Nahum

Controlling the Performance of 3-Tiered Web sites: Modeling, Design and Implementation

ACM Sigmetrics (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Erich Nahum

Data Persistence in Sensor Networks: Towards Optimal Encoding for Data Recovery in Partial Network Failures

Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Encoding for Persistent Sensor Networks

Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

Growth Codes: Maximizing Sensor Network Data Persistence


Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

SFED: A Rate Control Based Active Queue Management Strategy


Abhinav Kamra

Varun Khurana

Sundeep Kapila

Vikas Yadav

Rajeev Shorey

Eliciting Cooperation from Selfish Users: A Game-Theoretic Approach Towards Congestion Control in Communication Networks


Abhinav Kamra

Rahul Garg

Varun Khurana

Diminishing Weight Scheduling: Algorithms for Game-Theoretic Congestion Control


Abhinav Kamra

Rahul Garg

Varun Khurana

B. Tech Project: Efficient Estimation of IP Performance Metrics


Abhinav Kamra

Varun Khurana

B.N. Jain

Growth Codes: Maximizing Sensor Network Data Persistence

Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Jon Feldman

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein

CountTorrent: Ubiquitous Access to Query Aggregates in Dynamic and Mobile Sensor Networks

ACM SenSys (conference)

Abhinav Kamra

Vishal Misra

Dan Rubenstein
